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Tag Archives: family business

“There is no such thing as a free lunch, but the temptation to distribute one or to get one seems to be too strong”

Interview with Daniel Model: Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): All over the West, we saw extreme pain and suffering caused by the mass unemployment that the lockdowns and shutdowns triggered. Across the board, every government’s answer to all this destruction was helicopter money. Do you think throwing cash at this problem was enough and do you find that the various support and relief measures were sufficient to counterbalance all of the deleterious effects of those policies? ...

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“There is no such thing as a free lunch, but the temptation to distribute one or to get one seems to be too strong”

Interview with Daniel Model: Part I of II During these absurd and uncertain times, it is easy to be consumed by the 24-hour news cycle, to be constantly distracted by the latest news and updates, and eventually to lose track of what really matters. We are indeed facing unprecedented challenges and we are witnessing a historic turning point in the relationship of the individual citizen to the state and to centralized power in general. Thus, one cannot be blamed for the urge to...

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