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Tag Archives: Europe and Euro Crisis

Europe chart of the week – French unemployment

French unemployment fell surprisingly fast in Q4 2017, to a new cyclical low. France registered the largest drop in unemployment in about ten years in Q4 2017. In metropolitan France, the number of unemployed fell by 205,000 to 2.5 million people, pushing the ILO unemployment rate down to 8.6% of the labour force (-0.7pp), its lowest level since Q1 2009. The improvement was broad based across age groups and worker...

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The Historical Warnings of Money

It’s interesting, to me anyway, that an image of the Roman goddess Juno remains to this day on the logo of the Bank of England. There are many stories about her role as it relates to money, but what cannot be denied is that the very word itself came to us from her temple. The Latin moneta was derived from the word monere, a verb meaning to warn. Moneta was Juno’s surname. One fable has it where the goddess’s sacred...

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L’Union européenne fait semblant de lutter contre l’évasion fiscale. Attac

- Click to enlarge Les paradis fiscaux lovés au coeur de l’UE, de l’Asie et des Etats-Unis d’Amérique sont occultés… L’analyse vire à la farce! Après avoir étudié la situation de 92 pays en matière de lutte contre l’évasion fiscale, l’Union européenne n’en retient donc que 17 sur sa liste noire des paradis fiscaux. Parmi ces États dits « non-coopératifs » on trouve, entre autres, le Panama, la Tunisie, les...

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Europe Is Booming, Except It’s Not

European GDP rose 0.6% quarter-over-quarter in Q3 2017, the eighteenth consecutive increase for the Continental (EA 19) economy. That latter result is being heralded as some sort of achievement, though the 0.6% is also to a lesser degree. The truth is that neither is meaningful, and that Europe’s economy continues toward instead the abyss. At 0.6%, that doesn’t even equal the average growth rate exhibited from either...

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Eurozone Crisis Is Back

– Gold will be safe haven again in looming EU crisis – EU crisis is no longer  just about debt but about political discontent– EU officials refuse to acknowledge changing face of politics across the union– Catalonia shows measures governments will use to maintain control– EU currently holds control over banks accounts and ability to use cash– Protect your savings with gold in the face of increased financial threat from...

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Three Developments in Europe You may have Missed

The focus in Europe has been Catalonia’s push for independence and the attempt by Madrid to prevent it. Tomorrow’s ECB meeting, where more details about next year’s asset purchases, is also awaited. There are three developments that we suspect have been overshadowed but are still instructive. First, the ECB reported that its balance sheet shrank last week. With the ECB set to take another baby step toward the exit, many...

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Après les Panama Papers, enquête sur Malte, « paradis fiscal méconnu ». L’Express

Il existe une armée « d’émigrés du fisc à Malte », dénonce un consortium de journalistes. Bouygues et Total figurent parmi les entreprises épinglées. Mediapart et le réseau European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) ont publié, vendredi, une longue enquête sur Malte et « les coulisses d’un paradis fiscal« . Pendant quatre mois, 49 journalistes ont décortiqué les noms des personnes et des entreprises directrices ou...

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Les coulisses secrètes de l’Europe vues par Yannis Varoufakis.

Yannis Varoufakis L’ancien ministre grec Yannis Varoufakis vient de sortir un livre, « Conversations entre adultes. Dans les coulisses secrètes de l’Europe (Les Liens qui libèrent, 530 pages, 26 euros) », dans lequel cet économiste anticonformiste relate son expérience de ministre des finances de sept mois, janvier-juillet 2015, dans le gouvernement d’extrême-gauche de Alexis Tsipras. Il y partage notamment son vécu...

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Ecouter le silence des abstentionnistes! Liliane Held-Khawam

Les législatives françaises qui se sont tenues le 11 juin 2017 apportent la preuve que nous sommes bel et bien entrés dans une ère post-démocratique. Près de 52% ont refusé de se prêter au processus électoral. Pourtant ce silence crie des émotions et des opinions non relayés sur la place publique. Parler de démocratie signifie la mettre en pratique! En théorie,  « La démocratie est le régime politique dans lequel le...

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Euro Saves Germany, Slaughters the PIGS, & Feeds the BLICS

Authored by Chris Hamilton via Econimica, The change in nations Core populations (25-54yr/olds) have driven economic activity for the later half of the 20th century, first upward and now downward.  The Core is the working population, the family forming population, the child bearing population, the first home buying, and the credit happy primary consumer.  Even a small increase (or contraction) in their quantity drives...

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