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Home / Book / The temple of truth; or the science of ever-progressive knowledge containing the foundation and elements of a system for arriving at absolute … the abiding herald of better times to all men

The temple of truth; or the science of ever-progressive knowledge containing the foundation and elements of a system for arriving at absolute … the abiding herald of better times to all men

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1858 Excerpt: …because under no rational guidance, shall be brought under the control of reason, intellect, and wisdom. 35. The soul foresees this eventual result, as the necessary effect of the machinery itself, because it perceives that its dire tuition by pain, want, care, trouble, toil, vexation, affliction., sorrow, anxiety, anxiousness, anguish, fear, terror, despair, despondency, horror, and enormity, with all other infernal ingredients of the calendar of crime, misery and suffering; although terribly distorting the celestial form of beauty, innate in the souls of the victims; does, yet, thank God. not annihilate one single life-principle, in the soul of humanity itself. For, it cannot be denied, that the race, at least a sufficient portion thereof, amid all the unfavorable conditions attached to its career, has, though irregularly, and as it were, by single fits and solitary starts, yet nevertheless, actually progressed from a worse to a better state. Hence it perceives, with gladness, that notwithstanding the vast amount of the indecency, impropriety, incontinence, licentiousness, revelry. dissipation, debauchery, and likewise the manifestations of the various grades of malevolence and abuse of means and power, into which no small portion of souls, by opportunity, pernicious example, and powerful temptations, are seduced and inducted; the public sentiment, whenever speaking out, is compelled to disapprove of them all, in terms of decided condemnation. By this, the existence of conscientiousness, veneration, and reverence, in the public bosom, is in a negative method, as clearly shown, as by the positive tribute of involuntary admiration and spontaneous affection, which, as an act of justice, it cheerfully yields, to the true dignity, of established merit and ackn…

Author: Peter Kaufmann

Binding: Paperback

EAN: 9781236019103

Condition: New


Number of items: 1

Number of pages: 110

Product group: Book


Publication Date: 2012-05-16


Pages: 110

ISBN: 1236019105

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