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Swiss National Bank
The Swiss National Bank conducts the country’s monetary policy as an independent central bank. It is obliged by the Constitution and by statute to act in accordance with the interests of the country as a whole. Its primary goal is to ensure price stability, while taking due account of economic developments. In so doing, it creates an appropriate environment for economic growth.

SNB News

Generalversammlung – Assemblée générale – General Meeting of Shareholders – Assemblea generale, 2016

Generalversammlung - Assemblée générale - General Meeting of Shareholders - Assemblea generale, 29.04.2016 00:00 Jean Studer, Präsident des Bankrats der Schweizerischen Nationalbank - Jean Studer, président du Conseil de banque de la Banque nationale suisse - Jean Studer, president of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank - Jean Studer, presidente del Consiglio di banca della Banca nazionale svizzera 42:35 Thomas Jordan, Präsident des Direktoriums der Schweizerischen Nationalbank -...

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2016-05-02 – Speech – Thomas Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank: The euro and Swiss monetary policy

Thomas Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank Europa Forum, Lucerne, 02.05.2016 Complete text The EU countries, and especially those belonging to the euro area, are by far Switzerland's most important foreign trade partners. Consequently, the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) is particularly relevant for our country. In recent years, the ECB's expansionary monetary policy has encouraged the economic recovery in the euro area, which in turn...

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2016-04-29 – Shareholders – Decisions

Decisions of the 108th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Swiss National Bank held on 29 April 2016 1. Approval of the financial report for 2015 The General Meeting of Shareholders approved the financial report for 2015. 2. Decision on the appropriation of the net profit - determination of the dividend The General Meeting of Shareholders approved the payment of a dividend totalling CHF 1.5 million to shareholders as part of the profit appropriation. 3. Discharge of the Bank...

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2016-04-29 – Speech – Thomas Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank: Comments on Swiss monetary policy

Thomas Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank 108th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Swiss National Bank, 29.04.2016 Complete text The Swiss National Bank's (SNB) monetary policy is aimed at easing pressure on the Swiss franc. Since the discontinuation of the minimum exchange rate in January 2015, it has been based on two key elements: the negative interest rate of -0.75% charged on sight deposits held at the SNB and the willingness to...

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2016-04-29 – Speech – Jean Studer, President of the Bank Council: Reform proposals for the SNB – expectations and reality

Jean Studer, President of the Bank Council 108th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Swiss National Bank, 29.04.2016 Complete text In Switzerland, as in other countries, the shocks suffered in the financial crisis have unleashed a broad-based debate on the role of central banks, and many ideas for reform have emerged from this. Intensive discussion about the monetary order is a good sign for a society. Exchanging opinions in this way can help bring about a better...

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