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Madhusudan Raj

Articles by Madhusudan Raj

Is Boycotting Target a Legitimate Protest or an Act of Terrorism?

July 20, 2023

N discussing the recent boycott of Target, University of Michigan economics professor Justin Wolfers recently told MSNBC:
[If] Target caves into this, then it says that the moment you threaten the employees of even a very large corporation, you get to control its policies. This is economic terrorism, literally terrorism, creating fear among the workers and forcing the corporations to sell the things you want, not sell the things you don’t.
Professor Wolfers is wrong on multiple fronts. First, boycotting products of a company is not an act of terrorism. Boycotting a person, a store, or an organization is to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with it, usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions. On the other hand,

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