Download issue:English /Français /Deutsch /Español /ItalianoOur annual Horizon publication contains Pictet Wealth Management’s analysis of expected returns over a 10-year horizon. Simply put, major asset classes are expected to deliver lower returns. But alternatives offer greater potential — in exchange for a degree of illiquidity.This abridged edition of Horizon sets out our rationale behind our expected returns forecasts relative to risk for the next ten years across some 35 asset...
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Published: 10th March 2017Download issue:The latest edition of Horizon is out, containing Pictet Wealth Management’s updated secular outlook and expected returns for the main asset classes over the next 10 years.Some of the highlights are as follows: Expected ReturnsEquities: below long-term average but still attractive. Our models suggest that global equities can be expected to post a 6% return in US dollars annually for the next 10 years. Such returns look attractive relative to long-term...
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