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James Murphy

Articles by James Murphy

Marxists Have a Plan for Housing: Make Sure There Is Less Available

April 22, 2023

As governments create a housing crisis, Marxists call for policies that will make the crisis worse.

Original Article: "Marxists Have a Plan for Housing: Make Sure There Is Less Available"
This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. 

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Marxists Have a Plan for Housing: Make Sure There Is Less Available

April 6, 2023

“Stay in your lane” is a frequently heard refrain nowadays, normally a piece of advice directed at those who, by virtue of some aspect of their identifying characteristics or profession or beliefs, express views which are deemed unwelcome. “Stay in your lane” is not often fair and appropriate advice to be given in debate.
I submit, however, that “Stay in your lane” is usually fair and appropriate advice to give a Marxist who opines on matters which concern the moral, efficient, and effective satisfaction of human wants.
On a recent Saturday morning, with equal parts amusement, frustration, and resignation, I read novelist Sally Rooney’s analysis of an economic situation. Noting Rooney’s position as a self-described Marxist, it was no shock to see her strident call

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Contrary to Public Myths, Rent Control Hasn’t Been a Success in Sweden

July 21, 2022

Sweden’s rent control is widely touted by many who don’t understand economics as a model for how a property market should work. Young people in Ireland, for example, like to point to Sweden as a nirvana where rent control ensures easy availability of affordable and high-quality rental stock.
I was once told by a young work colleague with strong socialist tendencies that they could move to Stockholm and get a high-spec modern apartment for a mere pittance compared to rents in Ireland. A cursory Google search, which garnered a string of news articles attesting to various issues arising from Swedish rent control, shone a harsh light on my young colleague’s fervently held, yet thoroughly fallacious belief.
Even left-wing newspapers and media outlets have had to accept

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