Die Fusionspläne der beiden japanischen Autobauer Honda und Nissan drohen zu scheitern. Nissan werde die Fusionsgespräche mit Honda aussetzen, da bisher keine Einigung über die Bedingungen des Deals erzielt werden konnte, berichtete das japanische Wirtschaftsportal «Nikkei».
Read More »FX Daily, July 14: Will BOE Ease on May Day?
Swiss Franc The euro-Swiss is moving back to reality, after the risk-on run in the beginning of the week. The continued yen weakening is slightly negative for the franc given that some algorithms correlate the two safe-haven currencies. Click to enlarge. United Kingdom After a nearly three weeks of turmoil following the UK referendum, there is now a sense of order returning to UK politics. Two elements of the new...
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