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Banker scam(Chinese Edition)

Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2015-1-1 Pages: 320 Publisher: Electronic Industry Press banker scam Introduction: Today’s banking system is wrong? The past few years show that the risk to the banking sector has brought huge economic costs. Many people believe that improving the safety of the banking system must be at the expense of lending and economic growth for the price. Banker’s scam. a book examining this claim. as well as by bankers. politicians and regulators to reject the reform rhetoric. exposing the wrong place these ideas. Adelaide Mattie and black think. to make the banking system safer. healthier. without sacrificing the benefits brought by the banking system. it basically does not bring huge cost to the community. The author believes that the reason why the bank vulnerable. not because banks inherently fragile. but I hope it remains fragile banker. and a…

Author: [ MEI ]Anat Admati( A NA TE A DE MA DI ) . [ DE ]Martin Hellwig( MA DING HEI ER WEI GE )

Binding: Paperback

EAN: 9787121247804

Manufacturer: Electronic Industry Press

Product group: Book

Studio: Electronic Industry Press

Publication Date: 2015-01-01

Publisher: Electronic Industry Press

ISBN: 7121247801

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Martin Hellwig
Martin Hellwig, Jahrgang 1949, studierte Volkswirtschaftslehre und Geschichte an den Universitäten Marburg und Heidelberg (Diplom 1970) und dem Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Promotion 1973). Seine Forschungsinteressen gelten der Informationsökonomik, der Theorie der Finanzmärkte, Finanzinstitutionen und Corporate Governance sowie den Grundlagen der Geldtheorie und der Finanzwissenschaft (öffentliche Güter, Gebühren und Steuern).