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Tag Archives: Personal finance

Swiss politicians discuss making patients pay larger share of medical bills

Switzerland’s system of compulsory health insurance already requires patients to pay a portion of medical bills in addition to paying premiums. To stem the rise in premiums, an old idea has resurfaced: make patients pay an even greater share of their medical costs. Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.comThis week, some political parties voiced support for a higher minimum deductible, an idea that has found limited support in the past, reported SRF. However, premiums have risen significantly...

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Swiss electricity prices set to fall in 2025

The price of electricity is set to fall in 2025 according to a survey run by the Swiss Electricity Suppliers Association, reported RTS. Photo by PhotoMIX Company on Pexels.comAs many as 75 out of 83 suppliers surveyed said they definitely or probably expect price cuts next year. Price data from 52 companies generating more than a third of Switzerland’s electricity show prices falling by between 8% to 10% on average. The expected price drop reflects falling electricity prices across...

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Swiss trade unions argue against pension reform

On 22 September 2024, Swiss voters will decide whether or not to accept the latest round of government reforms to employee based pensions known as the second pillar pensions. Swiss trade unions are against the reform, which reduces the annuity rate from 6.8% to 6.0%. Instead they are calling for a higher rate to compensate for recent inflation. Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.comSwitzerland’s pension system faces a similar demographic challenge to many developed nations. Its population...

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Swiss housing crisis squeezing those on low incomes

Switzerland’s housing crisis is pushing low income earners into poverty, warned Caritas this week. Geneva © Boris Breytman | Dreamstime.comAccording to the charity, high rents are pushing some low income earners into poverty. An acute shortage of housing is pushing rents beyond the level that some people can afford, forcing them to cut back on spending in other areas, said the charity. Some are spending around a third of their income on rent and utilities, roughly double the average...

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Switzerland’s birth rate continues to fall

The number of babies born in Switzerland fell to 80,024 in 2023, a birth rate of 1.33 per woman, reported RTS. As recently as 2021, 89,644 babies entered the world in Switzerland. Between 2021 and 2023, the number has fallen nearly 11%. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.comIn 2023, the fertility rate in Switzerland reached an historic low after trending down over the last decade. A doctor at a medical clinic in Geneva said a drop of around 20% over recent years can be observed across clinics in...

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Swiss TV and radio licence fee to be cut

This week, Switzerland’s Federal Council decided to cut CHF 35 off the compulsory annual fee households must pay for public television and radio. The fee will fall from CHF 335 to CHF 300 by 2029, reported RTS. The fee reduction will happen gradually, falling to CHF 312 in 2027 and then to CHF 300 in 2029. In addition, more companies will fall outside the criterion for paying the fee. The minimum annual turnover for qualifying will rise from CHF 500,000 to CHF 1.2 million. This will mean...

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Swiss National Bank cuts interest rate

On 20 June 2024, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has lowered its key interest rate by 0.25% to 1.25%. © Deaconsdocs | Dreamstime.comAccording to Thomas Jordan, the head of the SNB, inflationary pressure has receded somewhat. The Swiss franc has recently appreciated against the Euro, reducing the price of imported good and services. If the franc appreciates it dampens inflation and this is included in inflation forecasts. Jordan told SRF that the central bank wants to ensure that...

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Nearly all French-speaking cantons to receive support from the others

Swiss cantons have very different tax bases, tax rates and spending. Until 2008, all cantonal taxes remained within cantons. Since then rich cantons have been required to support poor ones via the national financial equalisation mechanism. Next year, every French-speaking canton, with the exception of Geneva, will receive a financial boost from their wealthier German-speaking neighbours, reported the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) this week. The wealthy canton of Zug © Avkost |...

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Swiss Green Party launches vote to force home solar panel installation

This week, Switzerland’s Green Party started collecting signatures to launch a referendum. The vote would ask voters whether to accept a plan to force those renovating or constructing a new building to install solar panels, reported RTS. Photo by MARIANNE RIXHON on Pexels.comThe Green Party says there are enough roofs in Switzerland to ween the country off imported fossil fuel and to avoid resorting to nuclear power. Currently, only 10% of roofs are being used for solar power production....

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Swiss inflation in May erodes case for further interest rate cut

In March 2024, as Switzerland’s month-on-month inflation rate went to zero and the annual inflation rate dipped to 1%, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) cut its key interest rate from 1.75% to 1.5%. Some expected the bank to keep cutting. However, in both April and May 2024, monthly inflation returned, making further imminent rate cuts less likely. © Maticsandra | Dreamstime.comThis week, the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) published data showing consumer prices rising 0.3% during May 2024....

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