In early March,, the Russian based media network, asked me for comments and opinion on the subject of central bank manipulation of gold prices. The comments and opinion that I supplied to RT became the article that RT then exclusively published on its website on 18 March under the title “Central banks manipulating & suppressing gold prices – industry expert to RT“. This article is now transcribed below, here...
Read More »Keith Weiner: Open Letter to Alexis Tsipras
Dear Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, First, congratulations for mustering the popular support to say “no” to the troika. The euro has long offered Greece a perverse incentive to borrow, and now your country is trapped in debt. By any conventional means, Greece cannot repay (I propose an unconventional way, below). The sooner everyone acknowledges this simple fact the better. While I don’t claim to know why you agreed to a bailout deal this weekend, I can guess. The troika threatened to...
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