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The Donald Versus Killary: War or Peace?

[unable to retrieve full-text content]War: A Warning from the Past. Although history does not exactly repeat itself, it does provide parallels and sometimes quite ominous ones. Such is the case with the current U.S. Presidential election and the one which occurred one hundred years earlier.

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The Strikingly Weak ISM Purchasing Manager Indices

  The Economy and the Stock Market As long time readers know, we are always paying close attention to the manufacturing sector, which is far more important to the US economy than is generally believed. In terms of gross output it is the largest sector of the economy, and it should of course be obvious that saving, investment and production are the only ways to create wealth. Contrary to what one often hears from...

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Swiss central bank keeps rates on hold as Brexit fallout clouds outlook

The post contains the main-stream view on the Swiss National Bank. It is the “continued intervention pledge“. But seven years post the financial we are in the second part of the business cycle. In the second part, the SNB must fear rising inflation more than the ECB. See here or in the two phases of CHF appreciation. For us, Brexit has not influenced the main driver of global GDP growth, U.S. or European consumers....

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FX Weekly Review, September 12 – September 16: Bad week of CHF Index against Dollar Index

This week we focus on the charts, we omit the technical explanations, given that Marc Chandler is currently on a two-weeks trip. The dollar was surprisingly strong this week. This despite a more hawkish ECB, bad U.S. economic data in the ISM surveys. Swiss Franc Currency Index The Swiss Franc index had a bad week with a bad Friday. The dollar index rose at the end. Swiss Franc Index Trade-weighted index Swiss...

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Speculators continue reducing Euro shorts

Swiss Franc Speculators are reducing their net short Euro positions, since Draghi’s comments on inflation. Apparently not only against the dollar but also against the Swiss Franc. This also means that the euro zone may be target real money (like purchases of stocks, real estate and bonds) instead of Switzerland. This makes both European stocks and a Euro long FX position interesting. With a stronger euro, purchases...

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Emerging Markets: What has Changed

Summary The IEA forecast that the surplus in global oil markets will last for longer than previously thought. Philippine President Duterte called for US troops to leave the southern island of Mindanao. Relations between Poland and the EU are deteriorating. Former head of Brazil’s lower house Eduardo Cunha was expelled and banned from public office for eight years. Brazil’s central bank cut the amount of daily...

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Yellow Lights are Flashing

Summary: Bonds are not rallying despite poor US data. Greater chance that Trump gets elected than the Fed hikes next week. Berlin may be more important than Bratislava. (Two week business trip is winding down, leaving London tomorrow and will be in Canada for the first couple days of next week, then back to NY.  Sporadic posts to continue. Thanks for your patience) Yellow lights are flashing. Bonds remain...

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How About Presenting the Facts and Letting Voters Decide Who’s “Fit to Serve”?

This simple two-step process would greatly diminish the Ministry of Propaganda’s influence. Here’s a radical idea: how about presenting the facts and letting voters decide who is “fit to serve”? Consider the context of this presidential election and the judgment call as to who is “fit to serve”: 2. Both the Republican and Democratic candidates have highly unfavorable ratings; they may well be the most disliked...

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Crimea: Digging For The Truth

  Renewed Escalation This summer witnessed a renewed escalation between Russia and Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of sending saboteurs to attack Russian troops, targeting “critical infrastructure”. Kiev denied the allegations and claimed Russia’s “fantasy” was nothing but a false pretense to launch a “new invasion”. But what does the media tell us about what has been happening in...

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