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SWI – the international service of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Since 1999, has fulfilled the federal government’s mandate to distribute information about Switzerland internationally, supplementing the online offerings of the radio and television stations of the SBC. Today, the international service is directed above all at an international audience interested in Switzerland, as well as at Swiss citizens living abroad.

Articles by Swissinfo

Swiss flies to Tel Aviv again on Thursday

26 days ago


Canton Graubünden wants to cull National Park wolf pack

This content was published on

Sep 3, 2024

Canton Graubünden blames the wolf pack for killing cattle in the region.

Read more: Canton Graubünden wants to cull National Park wolf pack


Swiss company bankruptcies on the rise

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Switzerland unable to properly verify weapons exported to India

August 22, 2024


Fight against skills shortage is insufficient, says Swiss audit office

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Aug 27, 2024

The federal government has been providing the economy with financial support for years to alleviate the shortage of skilled workers. In a new report, the Swiss Federal Audit Office concludes that these measures have only had a limited effect. There is still a need for action.

Read more: Fight against skills shortage is insufficient, says Swiss

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Swiss rider Steve Guerdat wins silver in Paris

August 6, 2024

Only one trio out of 30 finalists completed the course—a testament to the challenging task that demanded the utmost from horse and rider, overtaxing some of the duos.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved

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Swiss prosecutor hits Glencore with multi-million franc fine

August 5, 2024


Swiss breast cancer screening quality varies across cantons

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Aug 6, 2024

The quality of breast cancer screening programmes in Switzerland varies from canton to canton. However, according to a study published on Tuesday, the results align with the European standard.

Read more: Swiss breast cancer screening quality varies across cantons


Swiss army neutralised 280 unexploded ordnances in

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UBS questioned by US Senator over $350 million tax evasion case

July 25, 2024

UBS took over former rival Credit Suisse after the collapse of the latter in March 2023.
Keystone / Jean-Christophe Bott
UBS Group AG was asked by a powerful US lawmaker about whether the bank it acquired, Credit Suisse Group AG, failed to report an American accused of evading taxes on $350 million (CHF307 million) in income.

Senator Ron Wyden, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, asked in a letter whether Credit Suisse told US tax authorities about accounts held by Douglas Edelman, a former military contractor who sold $7 billion of jet fuel to the US for use in military campaigns in Afghanistan and the Middle East.

Edelman and his wife, Delphine Le Dain, were accused in an indictment unsealed July 3 of hiding his profits from the Internal Revenue

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US and Switzerland to exchange data to track tax dodgers

June 27, 2024

Switzerland currently provides information on financial accounts to the US but does not receive any data from across the Atlantic. Keystone / Martin Ruetschi

The two countries plan to exchange financial data from 2027 to help both sides track down tax evaders.

A corresponding new agreement was signed in Bern on Thursday, Switzerland’s finance ministry announced, although Swiss law will have to be amended before the change can be implemented.
Switzerland currently provides information on financial accounts to the US but does not receive any data from the other side of the Atlantic. With the automatic exchange of information from 2027, Switzerland would continue to provide banking data as it has since summer 2014, but would also receive data from the US.
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Migros moves ahead with downsizing plans

June 18, 2024

Keystone / Michael Buholzer
Migros is slimming down further. A buyer has been found for Melectronics, the Group announced on Tuesday. The retailer also intends to divest further subsidiaries. This will result in additional redundancies.

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June 18, 2024 – 15:57

As is well known, the retail group Migros wants to free itself from its complicated structures and become leaner. Migros has now found a buyer for Melectronics: It is selling 20 of the 37 specialist electronics stores to Mediamarkt. The remaining 17 will be closed, as Migros announced in a press release on Tuesday.
According to Migros, the acquired stores will continue to operate under the Mediamarkt brand. This rebranding will take place in stages, in parallel with the

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‘Financial equalisation’ between Swiss cantons to increase in 2025

June 11, 2024

Low-tax and wealthy Zug is invariably a net contributor to the Swiss financial equalistion system. Keystone / Urs Flueeler
Redistribution payments between regions will rise by 4.8% to CHF6.2 billion ($6.91 billion) in 2025, the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) said on Tuesday.
According to provisional calculations, annual compensation payments to cantons with low resource potential – the main component of the equalisation scheme – will climb by CHF331 million (7.3%) next year to reach a total of CHF4.8 billion.
Some 60% of the total payments will be financed from federal coffers; richer cantons will provide the other 40%.
+ Read more: how rich cantons subsidise their ‘poorer’ cousins
Of the 26 cantons, Zug will contribute most, with a bill of over CHF431

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Ticino approves lower taxes for the wealthy

June 9, 2024

The idea is to make cities in Ticino, such as Lugano, more attractive for top managers Keystone – Ats / Ti-Press
High incomes in the Swiss canton of Ticino will in future benefit from tax relief. A corresponding amendment to the law was approved by voters on Sunday. Compensatory measures for planned pension cuts for cantonal employees were also approved.
With a voter turnout of 49.32%, 60,581 Ticino residents voted in favour of the new tax law and 45,908 against, according to the state chancellery.
In addition to a reduction in the maximum income tax rate, the new tax law also adjusts inheritance and gift tax as well as the taxation of capital withdrawals from pension schemes.
The new law aims to reduce the top tax rate in six stages by 0.5% per year until 2030 –

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