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FX Daily, November 07: Dollar Stabilizing After Bounce

Comment on Swiss Franc by George Dorgan My articles About meMy booksFollow on:TwitterFacebookGoogle +YoutubeSeeking AlphaCFA SocietyLinkedINEconomicBlogs Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, November 07 (see more posts on EUR/CHF, ). - Click to enlarge FX Rates The DAX also gapped lower before the weekend and gapped higher today.  It is stalling just ahead of the earlier gap from last week...

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October 2016: Swiss inflation remain lowest compared to Eurozone and U.S.

Swiss consumer price inflation remain lowest compared to Eurozone and U.S. Swiss consumer price inflation remain the lowest in comparison with different countries in the euro zone and the United States. Consumer prices in the U.S. are driven by rising health care costs and asset price inflation in shelter. In Europe, we see the opposite phenomenon: Rents in Spain or Italy are falling. In Germany and Switzerland rent...

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SNB Sight Deposits November 7: No interventions, EUR/CHF under 1.08 with political jitters

Headlines Week November 04, 2016:  No interventions, EUR/CHF under 1.08 with political jitters Sight Deposits: show that the SNB has not intervened to sustain the euro, that dipped under EUR/CHF 1.08. We considered the 1.08 as line in sand for the SNB. FX: The odds of Trump are rising. This causes fear and demand for Swiss Franc. The EUR/CHF fell to 1.0750. Euro/Swiss Franc FX Cross Rate, November 07(see more posts...

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FX Weekly Preview: The US Election is The Driver in the Week Ahead

Introduction by George Dorgan My articles About meMy booksFollow on:TwitterFacebookGoogle +YoutubeSeeking AlphaCFA SocietyLinkedINEconomicBlogs Summary: Neither the Mexican peso’s performance nor the fed funds futures seem to show that investors think the election is very close. Not all poll analysis showed what the Financial Times called “knife-edge”. None of the poll analysis showed Trump winning, and...

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The One Thing that Will Change Everything

Ticking Time Bomb “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” – William Shakespeare, Hamlet The American populace counts down to Election Day with impatient intent. Will their party man occupy the White House come January 21, 2017? Or will their party woman occupy a federal prison cell? These are questions that only the good wisdom of time can answer. Here at the...

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Merkel says Brexit talks mustn’t impact Swiss-EU negotiations

Angela Merkel © Joachim Eckel | - Click to enlarge Swiss talks with the European Union about immigration restrictions mustn’t be impacted by the U.K.’s decision to leave the bloc, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said. “In the EU, we should carry on negotiations with Switzerland in the same way as we would have if there were no question on Britain,” Merkel said after a meeting with Swiss President Johann...

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Former Treasury Secretary Summers Calls For End Of Fed Independence

Larry Summers - Click to enlarge At an event in Davos, Switzerland earlier today, Former U.S. Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, argued that Central Bank independence from national governments should be scrapped in favor of a coordinated effort between politicians, central bankers and treasury to engineer inflation.  Seems reasonable, right?…what could possibly go wrong? According to Market Watch, Summers argued that...

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Brexit is making it too expensive to go skiing in Alps

© Gerd Kohlmus | - Click to enlarge The promise of snow across the Alps this weekend won’t be enough to lift the gloom at some of Europe’s top ski resorts as the pound’s post-Brexit slide dents British bookings. Jon Fricker, a property developer in Beaconsfield, west of London, said some of his friends would probably back out of their annual piste reunion if the cost of a long weekend in the Portes du...

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Is there a Savings Glut?

Can Saving Possibly “Undermine Economic Growth”? In his speech at the New York Federal Reserve of New York on October 5, 2016, the Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer has suggested  that a visible decline in the natural interest rate in the US could be on account of the world glut of saving. According to Fischer, both increased saving and reduced investments have potentially significantly lowered the...

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FX Weekly Review, October 31 – November 04: Dollar at Crossroads

Swiss Franc Currency Index As visible in the graph, the Swiss Franc index recovered most of its losses against the US Dollar Index for the last 30 days. In the last 30 days, both the USD currency index and the CHF currency index have had a positive performance. The USD dollar index still with a +1%, while the CHF index is finally slightly in positive territory. Clearly the major reason, is a new 6 month low on...

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